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Found 13306 results for any of the keywords theatre in education. Time 0.033 seconds.
AboutBooks To Life Book Week 2023 CBCA Activities - Theatre Show Incursion - What do Books To Life do?
Educational Theatre Company Australia | Brainstorm ProductionsBrainstorm is an educational theatre company in Australia that focuses on educating students on anti-bullying, cyber safety, and student wellbeing. Book today!
Alpha Shows Life changing theatre for childrenAlpha Shows brings everything with us to create a real, quality theatrical performance, right in your school! No need to ever take an expensive trip to a theatre again. Our shows are educational, inspirational, and part
Verbal Combat | High School Resilience Anti-Bullying ProgramAn live educational theatre performance for high schools designed to support wellbeing, online safety and anti bullying strategies within your school.
The Protectors | Cyber Safety Anti-Bullying ProgramBrainstorm Productions’ Protectors program for primary school students provides practical strategies for anti-bullying, cyber safety resilience. Book now!
Cyber Safety Guide for Schools | Brainstorm ProductionsStay safe online with our cyber safety guide for schools. Equip students with essential skills to navigate the digital world responsibly. Discover more!
Anti Bullying Guide Prevention Strategies for SchoolsTake action against bullying in Australian schools with a comprehensive guide on bullying, prevention strategies and how to implement anti-bullying programs in school.
Being Brave Live Show | Student Wellbeing ResilienceBeing Brave is a live show that gives students positive strategies to cope with emotions and adapt to change at school, at home and online. Book today!
Mental Health Resilience Programs for High School StudentsGrow high school students mental health and wellbeing through our programs targeting anti-bullying, cyber safety and building resilience. Give us a call!
Sticks Stones Yrs 7 - 11 | Brainstorm ProductionsExplore Brainstorm Productions Sticks Stones program for Years 7-11. Build resilience and combat bullying with our impactful anti-bullying program. Call us.
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